Wednesday, 10 February 2016

cop first manipulations

I have begun to manipulate my work on Photoshop to put together some different concepts and designs to get a better grasp of my work.

I really like how this one turned out. It is supposed to be in the style of Pamela Anderson's PETA advertisement. I think it turned out really well. I didn't do too many manipulations other than adding the text and taking away the background. I really enjoyed copying the PETA poster in my own way and style and i think i will do a few more of these in the future.

These two posters I made I really enjoyed too. I think the first one with the 'Badness Level' has more of the message that i wanted to express, that humans are the cause of the hunting and murder of animals. I also wanted the message to come across that it's bad. I think the aesthetic also looks quite naive and childlike so it makes it more emotive, as if a child has done it, taking inspiration from the Lilo and Stitch movie. I think using these familiar themes, similar to how Banksy works, gives across the point i want to express.

I also made the second pattern, slightly out of just wanting to do it because i really enjoy patterns and also to show the enormity of the subject. Repetition is one of the key points of propaganda as defined by the IPA, so i wanted to incorporate this into my work.

I also wanted to manipulate this one too because i think the image is really powerful. I wanted to clean out the background and also add more blood splatters for dramatic effect. I used a watercolour effect to keep that hand-drawn imagery in tact.

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